Project Overview
When you have a vehicle, it becomes hectic to manage so many things about it, like, insurance, repairs, time for service, etc. And if you have more than one vehicle then it gets even more hectic. Motolog is the app which solves the problem and helps you to keep track of all the data regarding your vehicles.

Vehicle Management
- User can maintain their vehicle records by mentioning the vehicle type, its make, its model, year and upload a photo.

Maintain log for faults and old services
- User can manage logs for issues, repairs or services by entering the type of log he is adding, some description and date. The user can also upload an image, audio and attach a file.
- The user can mention the types of service and some major issues solved in that service.
Insurance Details Management
- User can add insurance related information for particular vehicle.
- Reminders for policy expiration.

Offline Data Access
- Log and access data without internet connection.
- Smart sync offline records with cloud database.
Export Reports
- User can view various reports regarding their vehicle logs and statistics.
- Option to download and print reports.

Transfer Vehicle Details
- User can transfer a vehicle details to another user by mentioning the email id and the receiver can accept it.
- Once this request is accepted then the details will be shown in the receivers account.
Technologies We Used

React Native

Node JS


AWS Cloud