Project Overview
Opinions matter! Create a poll, share the link with your friends via social media sites and get answers for the same with the help of Toko. Cherry on the cake is to share the created poll on the Snapchat story. Let’s gaze on how amazingly the app functions…
The major Challenge was to integrate the Snapchat SDK for react native as the SDK was available only for Native app development. We managed the same by running the code in native language and passed the result in react native. As a result, the snapchat sharing was made possible in React native.

1. Login
- The user will be able to Sign up and login via Snapchat credentials or Phone number.
- In order to login via Phone number the user will have to enter verification code sent on the entered number.
- In order to login via Snapchat the user will have to enter Snapchat credentials or the app can fetch the same if the user is already logged in.

2. Create a poll 
Load Random Questions
The user will be able to load random questions generated by the app.
Change a Palate Color
The color of the box in which the question and answer appears can be changed.
Change Background Color
The background color of the screen can be changed as well
Load Bitmoji
The user can select a bitmoji of his/her choice. Snapchat SDK was used for the same.

4. View created polls & number of votes received
- The user will be able to view created polls in the ‘Home screen’ and the number of received votes
- By tapping on the created polls the user will be able to view percentage of votes for each option.

5. Post an Answer
- A unique link will be shared to the user, tapping on which the user will be able to select and answer. The answer will be sent anonymously to the Poll Creator.

6. Rate Experience
- User will be able to rate experience of the app by providing stars out of five and also enter a description.
Technologies We Used

React Native


Snapchat SDK