What is True North?
True North is Personal goal setting app which is available in iOS. It is for time-conscious people who want a greater sense of fulfillment for their prioritized task and goals in busy routine.
True North helps you focus on the areas of life that are most important to you. Through defining your ONE most important goal every day, Get reminder for your prioritized task, check stats of your goal and set your mood with Emojis.

To embrace the futuristic mood of the app’s general visual style, we chose a color palette which, as you can see, includes Blue and dark gray as well as mild glow effects.


Dark black
SF Pro Display Semibold
SF Pro Display Semibold
SF Pro Display Bold
SF Pro Display Heavy
San Francisco Display Light
San Francisco Display Light
San Francisco Display Medium
San Francisco Display Semibold

Add Goal
The objective of this app is to set your most important Goal.
Select a category for your goal amongst Work, Body, Mind, Relationships, Fun, Nature, Finances, Learning and Other.
Define your most important goal for the day and be ready to accomplish it.

Goal Aspects
Break it down your Goal to actionable steps
Set To-dos which is important to fulfill your goal
Add prevention to beat distraction
Block the time slots for the current day and get reminder from Google calendar/ iPhone calendar

Goal Plan
User can check Goal plan details along with Goal cover Image and can also upload new images from Camera/Gallery
User can save their Mood with beautiful Emoji scale and track the progress of their goal

Life Coach
Purchase plan using Apple pay or credit card , Debit card. You can scan your credit card or debit card so no need to add manually entry for credit card Number etc

Accomplished Goal Journey
Get an overview of your past goals with beautiful imagery
See stats of focus area, achievement mood thoroughly