Yardie offers fast, easy and reliable lawn mowing and gardening solutions at your fingertips. Whether the job involves cutting, pruning or cleaning the yard, a reliable Yardie Partner will do it all while you sit back, relax and enjoy. Get notified when the job is accepted, started and completed. Simply approve the work and pay to the Yardie straight from the App.

Colors & Typography
RGB = 8-59-102
RGB = 129-195-107
RGB = 254-187-38
RGB = 103-106-121
Yardie Flow

User Flow

Service Seeker

Service Seeker
This application incorporates separate login functionality for Service Provider and Service seeker.
Depending on the preference selected by the user to choose to become a Yardie (Service provider) or Service seeker the interfaces would vary and displayed accordingly.

Job Post
Users convenience was the utmost priority as they look for handy features in the mobile app on which they can rely on for a long time.
This Application works exactly similar to UBER where the service seeker could post the job and find nearby Lawn Mowers. They do have option to post an ON-DEMAND job or they could Schedule the job as well.
On sending the job invitation the nearest 3 Yardies would receive the notification to accept or reject the job by any one. If no Yardie is able to accept job it would pass the job to another 3 Yardie for acceptance.

My Jobs
Service seekers can track their Job and check the job history as well where they can review “Active Jobs”, “Pending Jobs” and “Completed Jobs”.

To make a Successful Business Model, people always like to have easy payment method so we have used Stripe connect payment method where Admin and Service provider will get their Payment and users can check billing details.
Its easy as Paypal, Service seeker needs to add their card details and they are ready to go.
Service seekers have the ability to view the billing history where they can check paid invoices and pending invoices.
Service Provider

Sevice Provider
Service Provider need to select appropriate option to register and become a “yardie”

Profile Mode
Yardie has the flexibility to turn their profile Live/Away according to their availability to work.
It is similar to Lyft/Uber like Earn when you are Live on Work mode. Yardie will not be able to receive any job notification when they are away mode and would receive job request only in Live Mode.

Accept or Reject Job
The Yardie will Accept/Reject the Job According to the number of lawn mowers available nearby him and the pending job orders to complete.

Chat/Message feature is important in all on demand Apps to build the Trust between Service Seeker and Service Provider.
Yardie can be in constant connection with service seeker once he is hired. Users have the flexibility to share images and documents as required.

Yardie will receive the payment once he completes the job and would be paid for hours he/she worked.
An effective feature of the Yardie is, service provider can create a dispute if he/she is not satisfied with the payment he got and able to discuss with Admin.